There are two options available for downloading your journals. Either, you can download a specific client's journal and journal entries, or, you can download all journals in a combined document or Excel file.
Download a specific client's journal
To download a client's journal, go to 'Clients' in the head menu and click on the client's profile. Then click on the small 'Download' (cloud) icon at the top to download all journal entries at once.
If you only want to download a specific journal entry, you can click on the 'print' icon on the right side of the entry:
Download all journals at once
To download (export) all journals at once, go to 'Settings' in the top menu and choose 'Import/Export'. Here, you can choose to export all your client's journals:
Choose the export alternative Journals if you want your journals to be downloaded as a combined PDF file, or choose Journals (CSV) to download your journals as an Excel file. The latter can be helpful if you, for example, need to transfer your journals to a different system. Then click on 'Export'. The files can be downloaded after a few minutes.