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Bjørn Sundet avatar
Written by Bjørn Sundet
Updated yesterday

The 'Events' app allows you to create group events or classes with several participants. Invitations can be sent directly through the system, whereas participants will be able to register and pay for the event through your Online Booking. The video guide above will introduce you to some of the central Events functions. In the following sub guides, we will show you how to create both single events and classes in the system. You will also learn how to navigate the Events management board and to make use of all the available functions.

  • Create a single event

  • Create a course

  • Manage your events

  • Find all additional settings to your events app

  • Learn about the payment alternatives

  • See what the registration form looks like for your clients

The app can be activated in the App menu and is included in the cost for the subscription.

Create a single event

If you are, for example, inviting your clients to a lecture, or having a reception for your clinic, you can create a single event. Start by going to your calendar front page. Then, click on 'Create appointment' (or on an available calendar slot) and choose 'Create event':

Menu for the creation of a single event

In the next step, choose to create a Single event:

Option to create either a single event or a course

Note: When you have created more than one event in the system, you can use previous events as templates for your new events. Simply click on the small arrow beside 'Create a single event' to choose which former event you would like to use as a template.

The settings will then proceed in three steps:

  1. Information. Edit the general information of your event, including the date and time, the name, and the calendar in which your event will be available. Then, click 'Next' to save your information:

Overall information overview of the new event

2. Settings. Here, you will be able to set the general settings of your new event:

  • Available number of spots: Choose between a range of 1-600 participants on your event.

  • Set the price of your event.

  • Choose to send notifications shortly before the event takes place. The email or SMS template for events can be edited under Settings --> Email & SMS.

  • Choose whether or not the number of spots left on the event should be shown in your registration form.

  • Choose to close the event for further registrations.

Settings and payment options overview of the new event

Then, click 'Next' to save your settings. In the final step, you will find the link to the registration form for your new event:

Confirmation of the successful event creation.

Your event can always be edited afterward, by simply clicking on the event in your calendar.

Create a course

The system also provides an option for creating courses, meaning several 'single events' grouped together. To create a course, start by creating an event in the same way as described above, but choose the option 'Create a course' instead:

Option to create either a single event or a course

Four steps will follow:

  1. Information: Fill in the general information about your course, including the course name, the calendar the course is available in, and the description of the course. You can also add an image to the course, which will be shown in the event registration form. Then click 'Next' to save your information:

Overall information overview of the new course

2. Sessions. Here, you will be able to manage the number of events that will be grouped into one course:

Settings of sessions for the new Course

Simply add the name of your session, and choose the date and time of that session. Then click on + Add a new session to save that session and create the next one. At least two sessions need to be added to your course.

Most courses, however, consists of repeating sessions that take place for example once every week or month. Therefore, you can also repeat your sessions and simply set the last date for your course. To do so, click on the small arrow next to the session field. Then, set a time for your recurring session and choose how often and until when the course will be running:

Settings of sessions for the new Course

Finally, click on 'Next' to save your course sessions.

3. Settings. Just as for single events, you will be able to choose the general settings of your course here:

Settings and payment options overview of the new course

Then click 'Next' to save your settings. In the final step, you will, again, find the links to your new course.

To edit or find information about an existing course, click on one of the sessions in your calendar. Then you will be able to either edit that specific session or find all the administrative options for your course under 'Course overview':

Example of an available course

The Course overview works in the exact same way as for single events.

What does it look like for my clients?

If you are using the Online Booking tool, and have created your first event, you will now find a new menu bar called 'Events' on your personal Online Booking page. All events that you have created will be available to your clients in this menu:

Overview of all upcoming events

The registration form will then automatically show when your clients click on an event:

Overview of sign up process for a potential participant

Management tools

When you have created an event, you can simply click on the event in your calendar to find everything you need to manage the event. The tools are there to help you administer and stay updated about your event registrations, payments, and similar. Five alternatives can be found in the top menu bar for your specific event: Overview, Participants, Message, Invoicing, and History.

Overview section

  • Find key numbers of your event, e.g. the confirmed number of participants or slots available.

  • Edit your event, for example, if you want to close for further registrations.

  • View the sign-up form and future events on your Online Booking page.

Event overview


  • View details about your participants.

  • Manually add clients as participants to your event.

  • View the invoice and payment status of your participants.

Event overview clients

By clicking on the small dots under 'Action', you can take additional actions for specific clients:

Event options


Here, you can send additional messages and updates to all your participants at once. These will be sent to your clients immediately.

Event messages


Wondering how you will be able to invoice over 100 participants? No need to worry, under 'Invoicing', you can easily create and send invoices for all participants that have not yet received an invoice:

Event invoicing options


The History section will show you a timeline of all new updates and registrations to your event:

Event overview history

Additional settings

There are also some additional event settings that will help you manage your events. To find these options, go to 'Settings' in the top menu bar and click on 'Events'.

Client Login

Client Login allows your clients to log into their personal profile through your Online Booking. Here, they can register on your events, cancel their registration, receive encrypted messages or files from you, and much more.

To activate Client Login for your events, you must enable the function under Settings --> Online Booking --> Client Login. Then, you can return to Settings --> Events and edit the Client Login options for events.

Event client settings
  • Require login before event subscription. This will make it an requirement for your clients to login before they register on your events.

  • Cancel event subscription. This will allow your clients to cancel both event and course attendance. It’s possible to decide when clients can last cancel an event booking.

Event future appointments


If you have activated Mailchimp in the App store, you can allow your clients to sign up for newsletters when they join an event:

Event Mailchimp option


Just as for regular services, you can also edit the fields in your registration form. This allows you to automatically gather all the necessary information about your participants. Your clients will always be required to add their email addresses when they register for an event.

Event fields settings

Note: With the app 'Custom Fields', you can create and add your own fields to the registration form.

Other settings

Finally, there are some additional settings to be found on this page. They allow you to:

  • Hide fully booked events from overview

  • Allow bookings after an event course has started

  • Show events on the public events page

Event other settings

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