Opening hours
To set your general opening hours, go to the Calendar page and click on "Opening hours". Here, you can easily decide between which hours your business should be open - every day of the week.
Your hours will then automatically transfer to your Online Booking, meaning that your clients can only book a time when your business is open. Under "Opening hours", you can also add breaks, edit opening hours for different calendars, and edit your hours in specific weeks. Please remember to always press "Save settings" when any changes have been made to your opening hours.
Separate opening hours based on if the week is odd or even
You can also have separate opening hours based on if the week is odd or even. To enable the settings users to need to go to:
Settings -> Online Booking
Click on Available times
Toggle the Enable odd/even times setting (per calendar)
Please remember to always press "Save settings" after making changes to your hours.
Add breaks
Perhaps you want to set a standard time for your lunch or coffee break? Then click on "Add break" and decide the time and length of your break. This way, you block slots in your calendar, and customers will not be able to book an appointment during your break. When you take breaks, this will be the default and will appear in your calendar every week. All breaks will then be visible under "Breaks".
Edit opening hours for different calendars
If you, for example, have several employees working with different calendars, you will need to edit the hours for all calendars. To choose which calendar you want to edit your opening hours in, click on the "Calendar" bar in the top left of the corner. Then you will be able to choose which calendar to work with and add different opening hours for different calendars.
Edit your hours in a specific week
If you are leaving for a summer holiday or similar, you might want to edit your opening hours for a specific period - without changing your general hours for future bookings. That is why we have added an alternative that makes it possible to edit your opening hours in a specific week. Simply click on "Click here to choose a specific week" and choose in which week you want to edit your hours.
This is a perfect tool for planned vacations or other types of breaks, i.e. when you want to change your opening hours well in advance.
Note that you cannot edit the specific hours for several weeks at once, but that you can always repeat the process and simply choose a second or third week if your want to extend the period.
Automatic closing times on public holidays
This function in the calendar makes it super easy to close your online booking in a simple way on all public holidays. So if you do not have to work on public holidays, you can close these holidays during your opening hours and then from there select “close all holidays”. Then you close them all with a single click.
Available times
Above the "Opening hours" section, there is also a number of important functions which relate to your Online Booking and your availability, which can be set under Settings --> Online Booking --> Available times. Learn more about these functions here.